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Hanniel Ministries is a Christ-centered and Bible-believing church that is devoted to announcing and unveiling the grace of God to all people, preaching with boldness the truth of the gospel to the unbelievers without compromise, and setting free believers who live under bandages of religion by exposing them to the truth of the word of God, that is the ultimate reference for all believers.


Our mission is to transform people from the inside out by the preaching and teaching of the word of God, bringing them together as a family to impart lives around them both in church and outside the church. 

The church for us is a place of transformation, change, and solution. The world looks at us to shine brighter and this will come to manifest if the word is rightly divided in the church.


  • To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide to the lost world and winning souls to the

Lord in response to the great commission until all come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  • To transform the world and strengthen the Church through organized fellowships,

outreaches, seminars and conferences for preaching the Word of God.


  • To establish churches after the New Testament pattern, that are self-governing, self-

  • propagating and self-supporting bodies to be known as local churches.

  •  To work with the entire body of Christ in evangelization, discipleship and provide a cover for churches.

  • To organize, mobilize and conduct prayer meetings, altars, walks and seminars to pray for

  • the body of Christ, communities and nations.

  •  To exercise the oversight and supervision of all pastors, elders, branch church leaders who

  • in turn have the responsibility of the oversight of the churches under Haniel Christian FamilyMinistries.

  •  To offer moral, spiritual and marital counseling and guidance to the Christian individuals, broken hearted people, families and other members of the society.

  • To uplift churches and their leaders, pastors and ministers through leadership trainings, and support the work of God.



We believe in one God, who exists in three Persons — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is loving, holy and just. [Mark 12:29, John 10:30 1Peter 1:2]


The Bible

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is inspired by God, accurate and relevant in all time and all places. It is our perfect guide in all matters of life. [2Timothy 3:15-17]



We believe that sin has separated us all from God, and that only through Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God. [Romans 3:23-24]


Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is both God and Man and the only way to God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator. [John 1:1-3,14 , 2Corinthains 5:21, Hebrews 8:1, Hebrews 12:2, Romans 8:34]


The Salvation

We believe that salvation is the gift of God to man. This gift is affected by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and it produces works pleasing to God. [Romans 6:14, Ephisians 2:8-10]


The Baptism

We believe that water baptism is an outward act that demonstrates a believer's identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.[Romans 6:3-4]


The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He guides us in all areas of our lives. He also blesses us with spiritual gifts and empowers us to yield the fruit of the Spirit. [John14:26]


The Rapture

We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back soon to take his church, raising up the dead in faith and changing those who will be alive.

[1 Thessalonians 4:16-18]





As a family, love is the essence of our being, God is love and we can only serve his people efficiently out of love.




We believe that we are not only called to preach the gospel but we are the gospel we preach. Our words and actions concur for God’s glory



We seek to excel in all that we do because we have the mind and Spirit of Christ.



We treat each other with respect and integrity. We honor and submit to our leaders as unto the Lord.


Hanniel Ministries is a Christ-centered and Bible-believing family that is devoted to announcing and unveiling the grace of God to all people. Listen to Josue Musoda as he welcomes you in our family, the family of God!


Hanniel Ministries is a Christ-centered and Bible-believing church that is devoted to announcing and unveiling the grace of God to all people.


+256 (0) 757074336

+256 (0) 778 554 052

+1 (418) 730 - 9938


Mansy Complex L1, Kibuye, Salama Road Stage
Kampala,  Uganda



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